Saturday, May 7, 2016

Busy Long Week...

In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord, whose word I praise, in God I trust.  Psalm 56:10-11

This has been a very long week but praise God for bringing us through it. 

It started with us signing the counteroffer papers for the home we are buying.  Then the bank messed up a transfer from our savings to our checking and posted it three days late which created its own mess since I was writing checks not only for bills but the earnest money for the house.  Then my sweetie had surgery Tuesday to repair a torn rotator cuff in his right shoulder.  The surgery went well and he should be back to his normal self in six to eight months.  Wednesday was the day I worked with the bank to get everything they had messed up straightened out.  Thursday was my day at the church office finishing up month, didn't get it all done so went in Friday to finish up.

Today I am resting and spending some down time with my sweetie.  He is doing really well, has already cut down on the pain medication they have him taking and doing his exercises, only three at this time.  Our sweet daughter fixed us a picnic lunch and we headed out for a drive with our Ozzie Bear for some time outside the four walls of our little apartment in our kids place.  Couldn't find just the right spot for a picnic, where Ozzie could run and play, so we ended back at the kids place and had our picnic lunch in the back yard. 

It has been a relaxing day with my sweetie...

Father God thank you for the many blessings you have sent my way.  Thank you for blessing us with our new home, for your guidance as we travel down the road of all the paper work.  Father God thank you for your healing touch on Gary as he continues to recover from surgery.  Father God be with all our family members, protect them, lead each of them as they travel the path you have set before them.  Amen

He's A Wonder Savior To Me
by Virgil P. Brock, 1918

He's a Friend so true, so patient and so kind,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
Everything I need in Him I always find,
He's a wonderful Savior to me.

He is always near to comfort and to cheer,
He's a wonderful Savior to me;
He forgives my sins, He dries my every tear,
He's a wonderful Savior to me.

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