Saturday, July 20, 2013

Difficult Times

They shall bear the burden of the people with you, that you may not bear it yourself alone.  Numbers 11:17
Whether we want to admit it or not we all go through difficult times.  We work hard trying to make ends meet to get the bills paid, food on the table, and hopefully have a little left over to maybe take in a movie every now and then.  Just when we think we are getting a little set aside for a rainy day something happens.  Someone gets sick, car breakdowns, home needs repair, etc.and we fret and worry as to how we are going to make it through the latest fiasco.
Stop for a moment and take a deep breath.  God has blessed each of us with loving friends and family.  Don't be afraid to share your burdens with them.  Let them come along side you and accept your offer of help.  We also need to be the same type of friend to others.  Don't be afraid to ask how you can help, offer words  of encouragement, prepare meals, visit them, help with expense, etc. 
The most important thing we can do is pray.
Because you are my helper,
I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings.
I cling to you;
your strong right hand holds me securely.
Psalm 1:3

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