Sunday, July 8, 2012

Letting Go

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”   Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.  Matthew 18:21-22

God has been speaking to me about letting things go.  When someone does something or says something that hurts me I have a tendency to withdraw and run away from everything, especially the person or persons that I perceive the hurt came from.  I cut off all communication and will go out of my way to not have anything to do with them.  This is a direct contradictory to what God tells us to do.  God's word tells us that we are to forgive them the wrongs done against us, to set the example of Christ living in us.  How many times was Christ hurt?  How many times did He turn the other cheek?  When I look at the example Christ set for us and the harsh treatment He received as He took on the sins of the world how can I, a Christian, be any less forgiving?  Christ's last words as He hung on the cross was "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)  How awesome is to know that when Christ was on the cross I was on His mind. 

So I am going to place all my worries and hurts into Christ's hands and rely on His promise to me that He has things in control!

When He Was on the Cross
I’m not on an ego trip
I’m nothing on my own
I make mistakes, often slip
Just common flesh and bones

But I’ll prove someday
just what I sayI’m of a special kind
When He was on the cross
I was on His mind

A look of love was on His face
The thorns on His head
The blood was on that scarlet robe
And stained a crimson red

Though His eyes were on the crowd that day
He looked ahead in time
’Cause when He was on the cross
I was on His mind

He knew me, yet
He loved me
He whose glory makes the Heaven shine
So unworthy of such mercy
Yet when He was on the cross
I was on His mind

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