Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Cinderella Effect

If you hold to My teaching, you are really My disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.  John 8:31-32
As long as we remain in our past going over and over the wrongs we have done or the wrongs that have been done to us we will never be truly free.  I am reading a really good book about how we are all, in our own way, Cinderella.
The author talks about choosing to remain in the cinders of our life or to grown from the ashes.  This excerpt spoke to my heart this morning.
"The Bible clearly states that everyone's life has purpose.  He expects us to believe his Word and work diligently toward our freely chosen goals. When we fall, we must choose to believe what God says about us rather than believing the voices that say our bad behavior proves we are not eligible for the good life God has for us.  We must believe we can change and courageously continue to work toward change, regardless of our setbacks.  First we walk by faith, and then (as a result of believing we do have purpose) God will cause his good will for our lives to unfold."
"God longs to show you off at the dance of life.  And when you catch the vision of his dream for you and truly believe that you one of his eligible maidens, you're already on your way to the ball!" 
Don't choose to live your life in the cinders choose to live from the ashes!
He Set Me Free
by Albert E. Brumley, 1977
Once like a bird in Prison I dwelt.
No freedom from sorrow I felt.
But Jesus came and listened to me,
And Glory to God He set me free.
He set me free, yes, He set me free.
He broke the bonds of prison for me.
I'm Glory bound, my Jesus to see.
For Glory to God, He set me free.

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