Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Love's Promise Rose

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16

Christ came into to this world for us.  He took our sins upon himself and paid the ultimate price.  He loved me before I was even born and as He hung on that cross I was on His mind. 

Last night at Celebrate Recovery we sang Amazing Love, a song that I dearly love and it talks about the love Christ has for us.  Our teaching lesson last night was on stumbling blocks and how we set the trap with these stumbling blocks to let the enemy into our lives.  In other words we fail to see the truth because we are so consumed with self. 

As I was walking this morning and communing with God this song kept repeating in my mind and I found myself singing it as I walked.  I also pray as I walk and ask God what He  would like for me to write about and this morning the word choices popped into my head.  So here is what I feel about choices. 

One of my stumbling blocks is choices.  I fret and worry over choices that I make and choices that others make, especially when they affect me.  The only choices that I have control over are the ones I make.  When I start worrying about the choices of others I am setting myself up for failure.  I am far from being perfect and in my life time I have made some good choices and I have made some really bad choices.  The bad choices I've made have hurt people and I have asked for forgiveness for the hurt I have caused others.  The really hard part is forgiving others when the choices they make hurt me and those that I love.  But I am working on that issue at CR and with God's help that forgiveness will come too. 

So starting today with God's guidance and leadership I am going to break the vicious cycle of entrapment.  I am choosing to put God first in my life, my husband Gary will be second and our daughter Marianne and her family will be third.  As God tells us in His Word, Gary is the head of this household and I am to be submissive to his leadership.  Does that mean that I am his slave and at his beckon call?  No!  It means that together with God's guidance and leadership we will make the decisions and rules for our home.

I am choosing to use my stumbling blocks as stepping stones to live a full and complete life in Christ!

But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
Joshua 24:15b

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